Monday, September 13, 2010

...good idea!

*you dont need a zillion ideas to be a writer. you could have just only one or just only a few. when your heads full of them you gotta be careful cause you could only write about one thing at one time. some people could do more at one time but not me! its real good to keep those other ideas. write them on a paper and save them. miss jens got a blog bucket for posts so an idea bucket could be real cool.

lots of ideas come from stuff we did in our life and from stuff like movies and talking to people and dreams. sometimes a neat idea just hits you smack in the head... WHAMO like it got there just like magic. you could think on where you get your best ideas and go there if your bucket starts getting empty. for me its sitting and daydreaming mostly outside that i get my most best story ideas.

when you get stuck and nothing comes into your head just get a pen and paper and sit down and stay sitting. start writing stuff on that paper. it could be dumb stuff or happy stuff of junky stuff or lists or descriptions. just anything that gets in your head. let your brain loose. save everything you write and drop it in the bucket cause some day you could use it. thats when you could stop calling it junk and start calling it notes!

now im wondering where YOU get your most best writing ideas?

…smiles and hugs from lenny

*this post is from stuff i learned in my writing book - writing magic creating stories that fly by gail carson levine. thanks miss gail!


  1. Lenny, I get a lot of ideas from historical things that really happened -- and then I change them around a bit to make them more exciting.

    History is full of really cool stories -- exciting ones, spooky ones, romantic ones, and weird ones. I'll see something on tv or the internet or in a history book and think: That would make such a good story!

  2. I agree, it doesn't need to be a bunch of ideas, just one good one.

    My ideas come in many different place. From TV, when driving, and even listening to another writer give a talk have been a few ways my ideas for manuscripts started.

    It's good to have a notebook and pen on me, but I usually forget.

    You have so many good suggestions. It's hard to believe your'e not older!

  3. In the weirdest places. Actually, from just doing my daily lifes task. Going to the dentist. Hanging out at the barn. Seeing a T.V. show. Riding home in the car. And they're like BAM! Right there.

    I can only write one thing at a time, too, so I generally just write down the ideas and come back to them later. The ideas are piling up! Eep!


  4. Ooohhh great post!!! I get my ideas from really random places like doing dishes, sleeping, or even showering. It's usually when I'm trying not to think, the best ideas come. And it does only take ONE!

  5. my writing ideas come from school and my dreams.

  6. and idea bucket...great idea. i've gotten ideas from songs, books that i thought could be changed, movies.....and you're right. you just need one good idea!

  7. Wow Lenny, this is a great post. I agree. Just one great idea is the best. =)

  8. My best ideas come when I'm about to go to sleep. I think it's the dark that really helps because there's no distractions. great post, lenny


  9. I like daydreaming too. And sometimes ideas just seem to come out of the blue. That's what I love about writing.

  10. Hey there Lenny, My best ideas come from experiencing things. I Go out and watch people, attend festivals, watch more people in school, and sometimes it comes from my class assignments. Good luck with your ideas!

  11. Wonderful post Lenny!

    My mind is always full of ideas just racing to get out. I always have notebooks handy. I keep them everywhere. I have a tiny tape player that I carry sometimes when I walk Macy. I talk in it and then take notes off it later. I have a seasons notebook, a travel one, an interview one, a blog idea one, a picture book one, and one just in case I think of something I need to write down...(Those are just my little pocket size ones.)

    I keep sticky notes handy when I'm reading too, just in case I find something that makes me think of a story idea. I'm reading a book by Winston Churchill and I keep thinking OMGoodness this would be a great picture book every few pages...

    When I get stuck I like to listen to music. :)

    Have a great week!

  12. i like to read about old legends and creatures that people aren't sure are real (yeti, chupacabra's, mokele-mbembe, etc.) and then try to think of how to twist them or work stories up around them. also, dreams give me ideas, and driving is a great time for ideas to whamo in my brain. great post!

  13. Usually someone walks into my head and and talks to me. Yes... I am certifiable, but it really works.

  14. Great post, Lenny! You're so smart. I love the idea of an "idea bucket". I might try that. A lot of my best ideas come from my husband - he's a super-creative goofball. :-)

  15. Inspiration comes from many different places for me. I was driving home from work just yesterday and saw a truck parked on the side of the road with a gentlemen standing in front of if looking under the hood. Made me start to wonder what his story was, so I made one up on my way home.

    See, it comes from all kinds of places.

  16. The Idea Bucket is a good one, Lenny. I have alla' my ideas in a shoe box. When I don't know what to write about, I stir all the papers around an' choose one. An' whatever is on the paper is what I write about. Thanks for lotsa' great advice.

    ~ Yaya

  17. Most of my writing ideas come from my own life. But that's kind of boring so I also try to spice them up a bit.

  18. Hi Lenny,
    I get most of my ideas from music. Some songs hit me the right way and I see my characters in different situations. It plays like a movie trailer in my head.
    Great post!

  19. I get my ideas from my life. My kids are really GREAT for that. They make me laugh and I have to turn their funny words into a book. Hopefully they'll not be mad at me when they get older . . . :)

  20. My ideas are like dust bunnies. I pick up little bits from random things like travel or seed catalogs. Then they roll around together in my head and somehow turn into tigers under the bed, waiting to pounce when I'm trying to sleep.

  21. I'm not sure any of my ideas is all that stellar. I think what I do well is combine several ideas that don't go together so I have a broader story that is fresh. At least that's what I hope I'm doing...

  22. Such great thoughts, Lenny! :) I get my best ideas from my dreams. I know, that's kind of weird, but I have very vivid dreams and they usually end up first chapters to my favorite WIPs. :)

    I don't have a bucket, but I've a folder called "The Back Burner" where I keep slips about each idea as they come. Then they all wait their turn until I have time to write them.

    Happy Wednesday, my friend!

  23. Oh my gosh! "stop calling it junk and start calling it notes" THAT is the best quote evah! I think I'm going to write that on a piece of paper and stick it on my computer screen to read every morning. It can almost be like a motivator: "Jessica, stop calling it junk, and start calling it notes!" Whoohoo! You rock, Lenny!

  24. Hey Lenny,
    I often have a pen and paper and scribble down all sorts of notes. Sometimes, when I am out and about and some hopefully clever thought comes into my head and I have forgotten to bring a pen and paper with me; I record my thoughts on my mobile (cell) phone.
    I also have a pen and paper by my bedside. This is on the off chance I wake up with a good idea to write down. The paper by my bed is often blank lol.
    I have being doing loads of writing since I was a very little boy. It is really good to see you have such enthusiasm, Lenny.
    Big smiles, your way, 'Mr. Gary' :-)

  25. Found your blog as I was making my way down Sheri's blogfest list. Great post! I totally agree... sometimes you just have to let the right side of your brain pour out.... then organize it later with the left side.

  26. I LOVE this awesome post, Lenny! You are wise beyond your years.

    I can only do one idea/story at a time, too.

    My Idea Bucket is actually an Idea Notebook. But, I also have a million sleeps of papers with ideas jotted down on them. You know, like receipts, napkins, envelopes...once even on a coffee cup! I swear, most of my writing breakthroughs come while driving. Whamo! I don't know why. And, it's a most inconvenient time...not safe to write and drive. So I have to pull over and scribble. *sigh*

    I hope you know you are adored.

  27. Oh, and please don't worry about getting around to visit everyone (especially me. I'm 'unplugged' from blogging right now anyway...working on revising my current book), we all know how hard it is to get around to visit everyone, especially when you're as popular as you. :)

    Blogging is a guilt-free friendship zone. :)

  28. Hi Lenny!
    I first saw you on Candyland, and by the way, every time I saw your comments I smiled. And now I've come to follow your blog (and I feel special, bringing you up to 100 followers!)!
    I'll stop rambling and answer the question now :-) You wanna talk weird? The idea for my main WIP came from a PENCIL company.

  29. Wohoo! You have 100 followers, Lenny! That is awesome! Your kind and thoughtful words touch so many people's hearts. We all feel like you are our friend when we see your smiling face in anyone's comments. You musn't worry about getting to everyone's blog. (None of us can do it.) We all know you are a student and your job is to take care of yourself and your studies first. You are doing a great job blogging. You are making a difference. You make people smile. Thank you so much, my friend!

  30. Just found your blog through The Alliterative Allomorph blog. I love your illustrations. And, you have the best writing advice I've read yet in a month "the best way to write better is writing more." So true. Which reminds me I need to be done with blogging and actually write. Come visit my blog at

  31. Thanks for the awesome shout out Lenny! You're so nice!!! I hope that your bucket is always full of ideas!

  32. My ideas come from all over the place, but I keep a pencil and paper beside my bed because a lot of times, right as I'm falling asleep, I'll think of something and want to write it down. I think those moments right before I go to sleep have given me some of my best ideas, and not just for writing :)


Whatever wonderful, witty and wise words you manage to come up with!