When he was young, Gunther was wild, carefree and really stubborn. He butted heads with just about everyone. A lot of times, because of his own carelessness, he almost lost his life to the mountain. Now that he was older, he was smarter and more careful. He was strong and sure footed and, even though he walked with lots of confidence over the rocky paths and close to the scary drop-offs, he never forgot the mountain holds many secrets and hidden dangers.
When he was just a kid, Gunther’s mom taught him how to yodel and he loved it. He stopped doing it when he was a teenager because all of his friends laughed at him and said he sounded like a sick cow. Now that he was a grown up he didn’t care about what anyone thought of his yodeling. He had a deep, gruff voice, but when he yodeled, the sweetest, tones flowed out of his mouth. He yodeled while he climbed the rocky, jagged hills and walked the dangerous paths of the mountain. His voice echoed down into the valley, rose up and wound itself around the rocky hills and icy peaks and bounced cheerfully off the top of the mountain.
what do you think gunther looks like? come back tomorrow and see. : )
click here to go see who’s in the blog fest
…hugs from lenny
Hmmm...this is my first official guess for this blog fest.
ReplyDeleteAt first I pictured a big burly guy - built like a football player, but I think I'm changing my mind already. I say average height, maybe a little on the thin side (gets a lot of exercise up on that mountain!), but he's really strong. I see him with sandy colored hair, long enough so the ends curl...doesn't get a lot of haircuts up there on the mountain. He's also got a bushy beard and wears plaid flannel shirts...maybe some denim overalls and hiking/work boots.
Oh noes...yodelling just made me think lederhosens! *LOL* So I guess the Gunther in my mind's eye wears them, and with the green feathered cap! Can't imagine him being too big and burly if he has to be sure-footed on the mountains. I would say he's got an athletic build. Tall and muscular, not Schwarzenegger muscular, but something a bit more subtle. Broad shoulders, strong upper body from all that climbing. Being a mountain man, I don't imagine he shaves much. He has a beard. Black. Don't know why.
ReplyDeleteHow was that? :)
ReplyDeleteOh lordy, I'm going with lean muscular build, medium height, longish blond hair tied back, goatee beard, head down determined air about him when walking, foot to raised rock for yodel moments, and bright blue eyes.
Look at you Lenny!!! I loved this piece very nice and you already have 3 people that commented! I had hoped to be first... guess everyone gets up a little earlier :)
ReplyDeleteMy guess:
Gunther is a tall and muscular man. He definitely has a beard and wears mountain boots, plaid shirt and faded jeans.
I like Gunther and I look forward to seeing how close I am!!! Thank you so much for playing... PS - Great linkage :)
I love your snippet of Gunther! It really gives us a great feel for this character - well done! I'm going to guess Gunther is tall, over six feet, and sturdily built. He has reddish brown hair and a beard. He has light blue eyes and a rather large nose. I can't wait to visit tomorrow and see how I did!
ReplyDeleteHoly Moley Lenny! that was some great writing!!!
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm guessing he looks a lot like my dad. :)
long, dark beard and hair with a few grey hairs, not too clean (from all the hiking), clear grey eyes, tall and lean, and dressed in layers and layers of clothes. :)
Wow, great writing Lenny! I'm seeing a large guy with a gruff appearance and tanned skin. Maybe greying hair and dark eyes with a world weary look about them.
ReplyDeleteLenney! This was really fun to read and interesting. I would agree with all the other people who think he sounded like a muscular, bearded man....but since I know how much you love animals, I kept imagining a mountain goat that can talk and yodel! They are really great at climbing and sure-footed on rocky cliffs! Can't wait to see how he really looks!
ReplyDeleteOops! I spelled your name wrong in my post! Sorry Lenny!!! Typos!
ReplyDeleteLots of hair, lumberjack clothes, and a rasp to his voice. Maybe a tooth missing. Great descriptions Lenny:)
ReplyDeleteMy image is the closest to J.C. Martin's, though I see him clean-shaven. Cool piece of writing!
ReplyDeleteWow, Lenny, loved this snippit!!! I see a guy that's a little overweight, but still really strong and fit. He has no idea about colour co-ordination and mix-matches all his clothes! :o)
ReplyDeleteGuess my character correctly and win a prize!
I see Robert Redford from the movie Jeremiah Johnson in my mind. Ingrained confidence, adventurer, no patience room for conventional thinking. :)
ReplyDeleteWhen Gunther was small, he was a scrawny kid with red hair and freckles, a wiry body and a big friendly smile for everyone. Now that he is a teenager, though, he has grown into a tall, muscular young man, used to a rugged life. Just as you said his voice has deepened, he also looks like a man now. He's still got that friendly smile, although the freckles have faded. Gunther doesn't know it, but the girls in the valley think he's drop-dead gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI'd say mid thirties possibly early forties. Shaggy blonde hair, but not long. Jeans that are well worn, a hat usually always. hazel eyes and laugh lines around his eyes.
ReplyDeleteWell first of all Lenny that is a beautiful piece. I love your writing. I can't believe you're only ten years old!
ReplyDeleteSo: I picture Gunther like a shorter fellow with unkempt hair knotted into dreadlocks. He is young, around 17 maybe, but intelligent with cold calculating eyes behind a kind and friendly face. I think he likes to smile and loves the woods and animals, so is very happy where he lives.
Great work bud!
a burly moutain man! I'm seeing a beared and flannel shirt. Maybe a raccoon hat (sorry woodland friends) like something out of davy crocket. Great snippet!
ReplyDeleteHe must be great, because I'm guessing there's a lot of you in there somewhere...hugs..
ReplyDeleteRugged, muscular, tall, sunbleached brown hair, suntanned. Blue eyes, premature crows feet from squinting at the sun. No sunglasses for him. Too girly.
ReplyDeleteLove this snippet:)
I see Gunther as a young man, in his late twenties. He's lean but sturdy in build, and he prefers suspenders to belts. I imagine him with brown, untamed hair and a shaggy beard, but his eyes are startling blue, like the sky.
Brilliant, Lenny! I swear you write better than most of the college kids I used to teach.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that Gunther is a tall, skinny kid--complete with Lederhosen and a face so soft he won't show signs of growing a beard until he's 50.
So fun!! My guess is that Gunther is tall and lean with dirty blonde long-ish hair that is unkept and messy. It falls into his eyes often and most of the time, he swipes it away. But other times, he uses it to hide behind so nobody can see the true emotion in his deep blue eyes.
ReplyDeleteAre YOU ready for Mayhem?
Great little snippet, Lenny! I'm picturing a big, burly guy with messy brown hair and scruff on his chin. He's really tan and wears long sleeved shirts, but keeps them rolled up. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking he's big with brown-reddish hair and a beard. Leathery skin and blue eyes. He wears flannel shirts and jeans. He's the strong silent type??? This one was hard.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what he looks like tomorrow. :D
I think of Gunther as a sturdy-built man with a sun-dried face. He has a graying beard and sharp, intelligent blue eyes. His hands are big and strong and he has great posture.
ReplyDeleteI hope you like mine! :)
Okay first of all I am loving the name Gunther. This was a great scene!
ReplyDeleteI'm picturing a large gruff sort of guy with dark hair and harshly defined features.
Can't wait to see the reveal!
I think he looks like a bit rougher version of Al from Home Improvement (Richard Karn - I think that's who played him). He's also a bit taller and leaner.
ReplyDeleteHey, Lenny, I'm Libra, too.
ReplyDeleteAs for Gunther, I see a lean, muscular man sure on his feet from long years spent on crooked mountain trails. His eyes are always roving, keeping mindful of his surroundings for that is how you survive in the wilds.
His face is bearded, ruddy from wind burn, tanned from the sun. Late twenties but his weathered face looks like it's in his early thirties.
Hiking boots. Jeans. Plaid shirt.
How did I do?
I'm coming in late on this...I did not cheat and look at today's post. I'm so proud of you for joining in on a blogfest, Lenny! I think Miss Susan is going to host one this fall. I know I'll join in on that one (or she'll be mad at me and no one likes having their best friend mad at them).
ReplyDeleteI think Gunther is a big ole guy. Maybe 24, 25 years old. I think his hair is kind of messy, but pulled back in a pony tail. He probably has a beard or at least razor stubble. It sounds like he's a survivor, so I'm guessing he wears pretty rugged clothes and always has a riffle and a bowey (that might be spelled wrong) handy. I felt really sad when you said that the kids made fun of him for enjoying yodeling. I have a strange feeling that he likes to bake. I can't wait to hop up to today's post and see how I did. :)
Great job!